INDUCTION OF Prof. Ajith Nagahawatte AS THE PRESIDENT 2019

Professor Ajith De Silva Nagahawatte was inducted as the President of Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists on the 16th of February 2019 at the “Liberty Ballroom, Ramada Colombo”.

Dr. Kushlani Jayatilleke the outgoing president of the SLCM introduced Professor Ajith De Silva Nagahawatte to the gathering.


Ajith De Silva Nagahawatte had his primary and secondary education at Richmond College, Galle. He received his MBBS from University of Colombo in 1992 and joined the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna in 1994. Subsequently he obtained the Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Microbiology from the Post Graduate Institute Medicine, Colombo in 1996, followed by the MD in Medical Microbiology in 2000 from the University of Colombo. He was Board Certified as a Specialist in Medical Microbiology in 2002 and was promoted to the post of Senior Lecturer. He was Head, Department of Microbiology from 2006 to 2015 and was promoted to Professor in Microbiology in 2015 and currently holds the Chair Professor from 2016.

Prof Nagahawatte has many years of experience in clinical microbiology, laboratory medicine, and bacteriology diagnostic services in addition to his academic career as a Professor in a medical faculty. This extensive expertise have led to Prof Nagahawatte been recognized as a resource person both nationally and internationally. He is a life member, a past secretary, a past treasurer and a council member of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists. He was a past president of the Ruhuna Faculty of Medicine Teachers Association in 2008 and the Galle Medical Association in 2011.
He is a member of the Board of Study in Microbiology Post Graduate Institute Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka since 2006 and a postgraduate trainer and an examiner of the Post Graduate Institute Medicine. He was the Secretary Board of Study in Microbiology from 2009 to 2012 and is the Chairperson of the Board of Study in Microbiology since January 2015. Further he is a Member of the Board of Study in Venereology, Post Graduate Institute Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka since June 2012.

Prof. Nagahawatte holds the position of Head of the Duke University USA and Ruhuna University Research Collaboration from 2013 to date. Further, Prof. Nagahawatte has been a member of the Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna since 2003 and its Secretary since 2004 to 2016 and Chairperson from January 2017 to date. He also is a Member of the National Health Research Council of the Ministry of Health.
In his contribution to research Prof Nagahawatte has over 30 full papers in peer reviewed indexed international journals and over 60 abstracts. He was a recipient of the President’s Award for Scientific Publication in 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016 and NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publication in 2013.