Message from the President 2018-2019

I have great pleasure in extending my warm greeting to you all through this newsletter on the 50th Anniversary of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists. The newsletter has proved to be a useful means of updating knowledge and keeping our members informed of the many SLCM activities.

I take this opportunity to thank you all for gracing the ceremony of my induction as the President SLCM 2019 and the Siri Wickremesinghe Oration 2019. The next major academic event of the College is the Annual Scientific Sessions to be held from 13th to 15th August 2019 at Hotel Ramada. The theme for this year is “Breaking barriers for sustainable excellence in patient care”. The greatest strength of our College, I believe, has been our membership and we have achieved such heights over the past 50 years due to the dedicated and untiring efforts of our members, both new and the old.  I invite you to participate in all the SLCM activities and contribute towards the Bulletin of the SLCM in the form of Review articles, Research articles, Case reports and submit your abstracts of oral and poster presentations to be made at the Annual Scientific Sessions 2019. Please keep 13th to 15th August free to attend the SLCM Annual Scientific Sessions 2019.

Thank you.

Professor Ajith Nagahawatte
MBBS (Colombo), Diploma in Medical Microbiology, MD in Medical Microbiology
Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists