The 28th Annual Scientific Sessions of  The Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists


 50th Anniversary Conference on Infectious diseases and Infection Prevention & Control


“Breaking barriers for sustainable excellence in patient care”

13th -15thAugust 2019
 Ramada , Colombo , Sri Lanka


A Pre-Congress Workshop on Infection Control & Prevention will be held on 13th August 2019 with Prof. Dale Fisher (Infectious Disease Clinician, National University of Singapore) Dr. Sharon Salmon (Assistant Director of Nursing, National University Hospital Singapore) and Dr. Kushlani Jayatilleke (Consultant Microbiologists, Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital, Sri Lanka) as resource persons.

The 50th Anniversary Conference on Infectious Diseases and Infection Prevention & Control will be held over two days 14th and 15th August 2019 where eminent international and local resource persons will participate.

The sessions will consist of 5 symposia, 7 plenaries and 5 free paper sessions.

An Interactive Session on Clinical Microbiology& Infectious Diseases will conclude the sessions.