An Ordinary General Meeting of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists (SLCM) was held online through Google Meet on 15th January 2021.
Meeting was chaired by Prof Nadira Karunaweera, President of the SLCM 2020-2021.
Eighteen members were present and eleven members were excused for the meeting.
Prof Nadira Karunaweera informed members that the WHO assisted project on Integration of Laboratory Data of COVID-19 to the Existing National COVID–19 Surveillance System of Sri Lanka is ongoing with two online workshops being held to train the participating laboratories in data entry. The continued activities of this project will be coordinated by Dr. Shirani Chandrasiri (Immediate Past President of SLCM). Members were also informed of the progress of the revisions to the Hospital Infection Control Manual which is nearing completion and that it is expected to be ready for distribution by end February. The President also informed that no further work has taken place under the Fleming Fund Country and Regional grants as the signing of the MOU between Fleming Fund and Ministry of Health is awaited.
Prof Nadira Karunaweera reminded that Dr. Siri Wickremesinghe Memorial Oration 2021 will be held on 27th February and the Annual Scientific Sessions will be held on 24th, 25th and 26th August and that both would be held as hybrid events. She requested the members to keep the dates free.
Matters arising from the minutes:
The President informed that USB pen drives containing all the resource material on WHO IPC guidelines related to COVID-19 in Sri Lanka and material for training modules for healthcare workers and education of other relevant worker groups and general public, were distributed to members who attended the Annual General Meeting. Other members were invited to collect their pen drives from the College office.
She also informed that Dr. Shirani Chandrasiri had written to DGHS regarding the needs for Consultant Immunologist posts in the Ministry of Health.
Prof Karunaweera stated that the committee appointed to select the Vice President unanimously endorsed Dr. Rohini Wadanamby as the Vice-President of SLCM for 2020/2021.
The President informed the membership that Dr Nadeesha Badanasinghe has tendered her resignation from the post of Treasurer effective from 31st January due to other work commitments. The President thanked the outgoing Treasurer who had rendered an enormous service to the College over several years.
Dr Sumudu Suranadee was proposed as the new Treasurer of the SLCM Council 2020/2021, proposed by Dr Madhumanee Abeywardena and seconded by Prof Nadira Karunaweera. Approval of the Council has been obtained for the new appointment and it will be effective from 1st February 2021.
Any other matters
The President requested the membership on behalf of the Editor to send in suitable articles to be included in the newsletter and annual bulletin.