Procurement encompasses a range of activities involved in obtaining goods, services, works and consultancy through competitive bidding process. Procurement benefits the institution by streamlining the workload, ensuring accountability and preventing corruption. As consultants in medical microbiology, we have to take part in technical evaluation committees (TEC) in the hospitals as well as at the ministry level as a chair person or a member. Therefore, the knowledge and development of skills in the whole process of procurement is very important in taking part in TEC. Furthermore, awareness of the existing guidelines is also essential.
Considering the above facts, the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists decided to organize a training programme on procurement. It was held as a self-funded full three day pogramme on the 9th, 23rd and 30th May 2022 at Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research Institute, 114, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07. The resource person was Mr. Anura Lokugamage, Former Senior Consultant in SLIDA, Master Trainer and a Procurement specialist with a vast experience in conducting procurement training programmes for professionals. Total of 29 members including consultant microbiologists and senior registrars in microbiology participated in the training.
The objectives of this programme were
- To improve knowledge on salient features in public procurement process in Sri Lanka.
- To enhance skills on preparation of procurement plan and Bidding Documents for the Health sector
- To improve skills on issues of bidding documents, bid opening and process of bid evaluation.
- To familiarize with procurement in pandemic situations
Expected Learning Outcomes were
- Improve Value for Money in public investment through effective and efficient utilization of public funds.
- Manage contract delays through improved skills of public sector officials and bidders
- Minimize audit queries and disciplinary activities with regard to public procurement and contract administration
The program had been designed with case studies and practical examples. At the end of the program, participants were invited for a discussion on practical issues faced in day today works. They also had an opportunity to express their ideas, reveal problems, share knowledge and experience as well as practice new skills as learning points. At the end of the training programme, certificates of participation were presented to them.
The positive feedback from the consultants and the senior registrars at the end of this procurement training programme was really encouraging. The Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists would like to extend the sincere gratitude to the resource person, Mr. Anura Lokugamage, the Procurement Specialist for conducting an excellent training programme and all the participants for spending their valuable time on this training and sharing their experiences. We hope that our members would be benefitted through this training programme.