

Issue 51
October 2018

Dear reader

Welcome to the newsletter of the SLCM


Annual General Meeting 2018

Looking Back

ICAMR 2018
The Bulletin of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists – 2018

News from the college

Fellowships 2018
Association Membership of the A-PBA


Laboratory Manual in Microbiology 2011
Antibiotic Guidelines 2016
Biosafety Manual for Medical Laboratories
The manual for infection prevention and control in hospitals 2005

Other news

The official Facebook page of the SLCM

Annual General Meeting (AGM) - Notice

Annual General Meeting (AGM) - Notice
The AGM of the SLCM will be held on 19th of October 2018 (Friday) from 11.30am to 4.00pm at the Crystal Ballroom, Taj Samudra, No. 25, Galle Face Centre Road, Colombo 3.

The agenda is as follows.

(1) Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
(2) Matters arising from the minutes
(3) Annual Report
(4) Statement of Accounts
(5) Appointment of auditors
(6) Removal of old Company Secretary and appointing new Company Secretary
(7) Address by the out-going President
(8) Induction of the new President
(9) Election of office Bearers
(10) Lighting of traditional oil lamp
(11) Address by the new President
(12) Any other matters

AGM lunch on 19.10.2018

AGM lunch on 27.10.2017
Please note that the lunch will be served at 11.30am and the AGM will be started at 12.30pm. (Lunch is fully sponsored by the SLCM).

Looking back at the 27th Annual Scientific Sessions

Inauguration ICAMR 2018

The inauguration ceremony was held on the 08th  August 2018 at 6.15 pm at the Taj Samudra Colombo .

Arrival of the Chief Guest and Introduction of the council 
Ceremonial Procession
Traditional lighting of the oil lamp
Welcome Address , Dr. Pavithri Bandara , Hony. Joint Secretary
Address by the President ,Dr. Kushlani Jayatilleke
Address by the Chief Guest
Address by the Guest of Honour , Prof. Benedetta Allegranzi
Vote of Thanks . Dr. Kishani Dinapala
Cultural Show
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Scientific Program ICAMR 2018

Was held on the 09th and 10th August 2018 as The International Conference on Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance (ICAMR ) at the Hotel Taj Samudra, Colombo.

The Main Scientific program was held at the Grand Marque  while workshops were held at the crystal ballroom

Plenary 1 , Microbiology and Infectious disease - Is there a need for research .
 Plenary 2 , Primary immune deficiencies
Plenary 3 , Prevention of CA-UTI
Plenary 4 , How knowledge on pk/pd can be used for combating AMR.
Plenary 5 , Outpatient Parental antimicrobial Therapy
Plenary 6 , Antibiotic resistance in H.pylori
Plenary 8 , Anti fungal Stewardship
Plenary 9 , Clostridium difficile infections
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ICAMR 2018 - Workshops

Workshop 1

Date - 8th August 2018 from 8.30am-12.30pm

Pre-congress workshop on Quality assurance and laboratory accreditation in microbiology-
Target group of participants- all microbiologists and trainees (clinical, veterinary etc…). Medical laboratory technologists, laboratory personnel including quality managers and administrators .

Workshop 2
Date - 9th August -Antibiotic resistance-
Target group of participants – for pharmacist and nurses
Workshop 3
Date - 10th August -Infection Prevention and Control -
Workshop 4
Date - 11th August- AMR surveillance and WHONET
Partners: MoH (NAC AMR)/ SLSMLS /WHO
Target group of participants: laboratory medical officers, laboratory personnel in microbiology
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The Bulletin of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists - 2018

The College published the Bulletin of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists for 2018, to coincide with the scientific sessions.

Editorial work was done by Dr. Roshan Jayasuriya and the Editorial Board.

It contained the previous year’s Presidential Address , the Siri Wickremesinghe oration for 2018, abstracts of oral and poster presentations made at the 2018 annual sessions, summaries of some CME lectures, articles and summaries of presentations at the scientific sessions.

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Click on Image below to Download the Bulletin
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News from the college

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Fellowships 2018

Fellowships  2017
Fellowships were awarded to three distinguished members of the college, Dr. C Palasuntheram , Professor Malik Peiris , Dr G.S.S.K Colombage .

Association Membership of the A-PBA

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The Sri Lanka college of Microbiologists obtains " Association Membership" of the A-PBA .

A-PBA was formed on 22 Feb 2005 and is already representing over 800 practicing biosafety professionals from countries and regions across the Asia Pacific and beyond namely (Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Brunei, Cambodia, Canada, Chad, Chile, China, Hong Kong China, Macau China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam, Zambia)

This professional association was formed to congregate practitioners of biological safety for the promotion of Biosafety and Biosecurity and to facilitate the sharing of information through:

   Biorisk trainings and conferences in the region.
    The formation of the National Biosafety Association (NA) and Country Working Groups CWG.
    National, regional and international collaborations and partnerships.
   Technical collaboration activates with various stake holders

A-PBA, an affiliation of International Federation of Biosafety Association (IFBA) and American Biosafety Association (ABSA), leverage on the existing regional pool of biosafety professionals, partnership with the regional NA and CWG, international agencies to help build and spread biosafety and biosecurity capability and capacity in the Asia-Pacific region.

For More information on the A-PBA , visit the website
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Publications available Online


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Click on Image Below to Download Manual
LAB Manual 2011

Antibiotic Guidelines 2016

Antibiotic  Guidelines  2016
‘Empirical and prophylactic use of antimicrobials- National guidelines -2016’ Download The Electronic Version


Biosafety Manual for Medical Laboratories

Biosafety Manual for Medical Laboratories
The Biosafety Manual was developed to guide the all medical laboratories in the state and private sector in their development of biosafety policies and programmes.


The manual for infection prevention and control in hospitals 2005

The manual for infection prevention and control in hospitals 2005
The “Hospital Infection Control Manual” was first printed by the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists in 2005. Download


Other News

The official Facebook page of the SLCM

The official Facebook page of the SLCM
Dear all, The official Facebook page of SLCM has now been created. Please visit the page and forward to your friends. Thank you Dr Enoka Corea President Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists No.06, “Wijerama House”, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
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Do you have an article you wish to publish in the newsletter or the college website ?

Forward it to Dr Roshan Jayasuriya , Editor, Sri lanka Collage of Microbiologists
E mail