Dear reader
Welcome to the newsletter of the SLCM
Council 2017 -2018
News from the college
Members Contributions
President - Dr. Kushlani Jayatilleke President Elect - Dr. Ajith Nagahawatte Vice President - Dr. Shirani Chandrasiri Immediate Past President- Dr. Enoka Corea Hony. Secretaries - Dr. Pavithri Bandara /Dr. Kishani Dinapala
Hony. Treasurer - Dr. Nadisha Badanasinghe Editor - Dr. Roshan Jayasuriya
Prof. Nilmini Chandrasena
Dr. Samanmalee Gunasekara
News from the college
International Conference on Infectious Diseases and AntimicrobialResistance – 08th -10th August 2018 at the Hotel Taj Samudra, Colombo Theme - Communicate and collaborate for clinical excellence Objectives of the Program To raise awareness among clinicians including primary care physicians , policy makers and the public of the burden of AMR and on strategies for prevention and control of Infections …
The Induction of President & Siri Wickremesinghe Oration of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists was held on the 13th of February 2018 at 10.30 am at the “Liberty Ballroom, Ramada Colombo”.
Dr. Kushlani Jayatilleke was inducted as the President of Sri lanka College of Microbiologists on the 13th of February 2018 at 10.30 am at the “Liberty Ballroom, Ramada Colombo”.
The Siri Wickremesinghe Oration
The Siri Wickremesinghe Oration was instituted by the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists in 2004, in memory of the late Dr R S B Wickremesinghe, who was one of the earliest members of the College, and its’ President in 1994.
The Siri Wickremesinghe Oration was held on Tuesday 13th February 2018 at 10.30 am ,at the Liberty Ballroom , Ramada , Colombo .
The Orator was Professor N.P. Sunil-Chandra , Senior Professor & Chair Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya . The topic of the oration was ‘One Health approach to studies on plagues in Sri Lanka - Past and Present’
The ministry of health and the Sri Lanka Collage of Microbiologists has initiated the process to move away from the paper based system and to implement a common Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) in all state sector microbiology laboratories.
The Phase 1 of the project is the Development of a laboratory information management …
The aims of the bulletin are to,
· Encourage the membership to conduct and publish good quality research · To support and improve the practice of microbiology in Sri Lanka and · To share experiences to enrich and upgrade the professional standards.
The editorial board of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists invites the membership to send their contributions to the SLCM Bulletin for 2018, to be published in August.
Types of Contributions are,
· Review articles · Research (original) articles · Articles · Case reports · Abstracts of presentations to be made at Annual Scientific Sessions · Photo quiz · Abstracts of research presentations (oral / poster) at Annual Scientific Sessions
Members Contributions
WORLD ANTIBIOTIC AWARENESS WEEK 2017 WHO declared the week from 13th to 19th November 2017 as the World Antibiotic Awareness week. SLCM repeatedly reminded the membership on this important event and posters in all three languages relevant to this event were distributed among Consultant Microbiologists and Acting Consultant Microbiologists to display in their respective hospitals. Base Hospital Akkareipattu …
An ordinary general meeting of the SLCM will be held on Friday, 4th May 2018 from 2.00pm to 3.30pm (after the CME) at the Aldo Castellani Auditorium of the Medical Research Institute, Colombo 8. Please be present. The agenda is as follows. 1. Minutes of the previous Ordinary General Meeting 2. Matters arising from the minutes 3. Annual Scientific Sessions …
Do you have an article you wish to publish in the newsletter or the college website ?
Forward it to Dr Roshan Jayasuriya , Editor, Sri lanka Collage of Microbiologists