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Welcome to the Newsletter of the SLCM
Annual Scientific Programme
Members Contributions
International E-Conference 2021
International E-Conference on Threat of new and re-emerging infections: Role of novel tools and technologies to face challenges
30th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists held in collaboration with The Ohio State University, USA
Program Schedule
24th August 2021
Day 1 - 25th August 2021
Day 2 - 26th August 2021
A rare but life-threatening fungal infection, known as mucormycosis and colloquially as “black fungus”, is being detected relatively frequently among Covid-19 patients in some states of India. It mainly affects immunocompromised patients. Most of these patients were having other immunocompromised illnesses such as uncontrolled diabetes etc. and once they were infected with Covid 19, they have been treated with steroids and this has led to this devastating outcome
Answer by Dr Rajiva De Silva (mainly) & Dr Kanthi Nanayakkara
By Dr. Kamani Gunasekera, MBBS, M.Phil, Senior Lecturer, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Department of Microbiology,
Do you have an article you wish to publish in the newsletter or the college website ?
Forward it to Professor Neluka Fernando , Editor, Sri lanka Collage of Microbiologists
E mail fneluka@gmail.com
- The text of the article should be sent in word format.
- Images should not be included/incorporated in the word document .
- The Images should be sent separately.
- The images should be numbered and the place where the corresponding image should be inserted must be clearly marked in the word document.