Welcome to the Newsletter of the SLCM
Annual Scientific Programme
Members Contributions
Inauguration Ceremony
24th August 2022 at 6.15pm “Grand Ballroom” Ariyana Reach Hotel Maharagama
Pre-Congress Workshop
“Quality and safety in healthcare: overcoming challenges” 24th August 2022
Scientific Programme
25th and 26th August 2022 “Grand Ballroom” Ariyana Reach Hotel Maharagama
Post-Congress Workshop
“Managerial Leadership Excellence – an Interactive Training” 27th August 2022 “Lionel Memorial Auditorium” Sri Lanka Medical Association Colombo 07
Program Schedule
Pre-Congress workshop on quality and safety in healthcare: overcoming challenges
24th August 2022
Day 1 - Scientific Programme 25th August 2022
Day 2 - Scientific Programme
26th August 2022
27th August 2022
- Antibiotic guidelines being revised -
Members Contributions
Dr Thulani Pattiyakumbura/ PG Trainee in Medical Virology
Dr Rohitha Muthugala/ Consultant Virologist, National Hospital Kandy
Currently, monkeypox has gained global attention with an outbreak reported in non-endemic countries; the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland [1]. A total 92 of laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported up to the 26th of May. According to current evidence, cases have been detected mainly, among men who have sex with men (MSM). To date, all cases whose samples were confirmed by PCR as being infected with the West African clade, which has a low fatality rate [2],[3].
Do you have an article you wish to publish in the newsletter or the college website ?
Forward it to Professor Neluka Fernando , Editor, Sri lanka Collage of Microbiologists
E mail fneluka@gmail.com
- The text of the article should be sent in word format.
- Images should not be included/incorporated in the word document .
- The Images should be sent separately.
- The images should be numbered and the place where the corresponding image should be inserted must be clearly marked in the word document.