Welcome to the Newsletter of the SLCM
Program Schedule
Pre-Congress workshop on "Wound and skin care - teamwork is the key to success"
23th August 2022
Inauguration & Dr. Siri Wickremesinghe Memorial Oration:
23rd August 2023 6.00 p.m. - 8.30 p.m.
Day 1 - Scientific Programme 24th August 2022
Day 2 - Scientific Programme
25th August 2022
End term review of the national strategic plan for combating antimicrobial resistance in Sri Lanka 2017-2022 and developing the national strategic plan for combating antimicrobial resistance 2023-2027
The Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists has ventured on a series of media programmes in collaboration with the Independence Television Network (ITN) channel. This is in view of creating public awareness about infectious diseases, infection prevention and control and related issues.
World Hand Hygiene Day 5 May 2023
The inaugural Infectious Diseases Conference was organized by the Infectious Diseases Forum of the Ceylon College of Physicians in Collaboration with DNDi, Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists and Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine. This was held as a hybrid event at the Courtyard by Marriott from 29th to 30th June 2023.
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