Inauguration 2016

                         The  Inauguration Ceremony will be held                                                                 on                                   10th      August 2016 at 6.15 pm     Sri Lanka Foundation      Colombo 7

Inauguration 2015

                         The  Inauguration Ceremony will be held                                                                 on                                   12th      August 2015 at 6.15 pm     Sri Lanka Foundation      Colombo 7

An Interview with Dr. Kushlani Jayatilleke on “Antibiotics” and “Antibiotic Resistance”- SLBC

Radio programme on “Antibiotics” and “Antibiotic Resistance”- on SLBC There will be a discussion on “Antibiotics” and “Antibiotic Resistance” Dr. Kushlani Jayatilleke- on Monday the 1st June and on 8th June 2015 at 6.30 pmon 97.4 FM and 97.6 FM frequencies – Sri Lanka Broadcasting…

Call for Abstracts of Research Presentations

Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of      Microbiologists This year’s Annual Scientific Sessions are scheduled to be held from 12th to 14th August 2015 at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo 7, under the theme ‘Neglected Tropical Diseases in Sri Lanka: Towards Elimination’….