1. Ordinary Members
        2. Ordinary Life Members
        3. Overseas Life Members
        4. Honorary Life Members

Notwithstanding   provisions   of   anything   aforesaid   in the preceding   articles the Members   of   The   Sri   Lanka   College of Microbiologists immediately before its incorporation in terms thereof shall be deemed to be members of the College until they cease to be members in the manner hereinafter set out.


Any person upon being enrolled as a Member shall pay an annual subscription fee and  such other fees or levies as may be fixed by the Council from time to time.

  1. All Ordinary Members, Ordinary Life Members and Overseas Life Members should possess a basic degree in Medical, Dental or Veterinary Science registerable with either Sri Lanka Medical Council or Veterinary Council of Sri Lanka.

    In addition they should possess a post graduate qualification in Microbiology recognised by the Ministry of Health or by the Faculties of Medicine, Dental Science and Veterinary Science in Sri Lanka or other post graduate qualification approved by the Council.

  2. Any person who qualified under Article 9 (1) shall be eligible for election as an Ordinary Member, on the payment of an annual subscription as may be determined from time to time by the Council.
  3. Any Ordinary Member of the College , or any person eligible for Ordinary Membership shall be eligible for election as an Ordinary Life Member on the payment of a lump sum as may be determined from time to time by the Council.
  4. Any person who qualifies for membership under Section 9. (1) and who is a permanent resident abroad shall be elected an Overseas Life Member on the payment of a lump sum determined from time to time by the Council.
  5. Any Ordinary Member, an Ordinary Life Member or a member of the Medical, Dental Veterinary or allied sciences may be elected by the College at a General Meeting as an Honorary Life Member of the College on the recommendation of the Council in recognition of distinguished services to the College or in the field of Medical Microbiology. Honorary Life Members will not be required to pay the subscription for life membership. An Honorary Life Member will be entitled to all rights and privileges of Ordinary members. However, an Honorary Life Member who does not satisfy the requirements of Article 9(.1) will not be entitled to hold office or vote at the meetings of the College.
  1. Every person desiring to be admitted as a member under Articles9 (2), 9(3), and 9 (4) shall apply for membership in writing on such form as may be prescribed by the Council and undertakes to abide by these Articles. The name of the applicant shall be proposed and seconded by two members of the College, who should have been members for at least five years.
  2. Every such application shall be considered by the Council and if acceptable, such applicant shall be admitted as a member after ratification at a General Meeting.
  3. Honorary Life Members shall be elected in the manner prescribed by Article 9(5), The number of Honorary Life Members so elected shall not exceed three for every three years.
  4. In the case of Ordinary Members, the said annual subscription shall be payable on the first day of January each year or in the case of a member admitted during the year, at the time of his or her admission.
  5. Every member shall remain a member until his or her membership is terminated in accordance with provisions of Article 11.
  1. Ordinary Membership of the College shall be terminated ipso facto in any of the following eventualities.

    a) On a sentence of imprisonment for any criminal offense by a Court of Law in Sri Lanka or abroad.b) On erasure from the Register of Medical practitioners, Dental Surgeons and Veterinary Surgeons.

    c) On a default in the payment of subscription due to the College for a period of two years after they fall due. However, they may apply for re-admission on payment of arrears.

  2. All other categories of membership of the College shall be terminated under provisions contained in Article 10.1 (a) and 10.1 (b)
  3. Membership of the College may also be terminated in any of the following ways. This is applicable to all categories qualified under Article 5.a) By Resignation

    b) Death

    c) By expulsion on the grounds that the conduct of a member is detrimental to the honour and interests of the College or on the grounds that the member has committed a willful breach of these Articles. The expulsion of a member shall be decided at General Meeting on a resolution passed by at least Two Thirds of the membership. For this purpose, voting by postal ballot shall be allowed.


The Joint Secretaries shall be responsible for the maintenance of an up to date list of members including the addresses.

How to Apply?

You can make the payment to the following account and a scanned copy of the payment slip should be sent to the slcmicrobio@gmail.com.
