OGM January 2019

An Ordinary General Meeting of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists was held at the Aldo Castellani Auditorium of the Medical Research Institute on 4th of January 2019.

This was chaired by Prof. Ajith Nagahawatte, President of the SLCM 2018-2019.

Thirty-three members were present and 10 members were excused for the meeting.

President informed that the newly appointed company secretary has completed the process of registering of new board of Directors of the SLCM. He tabled the progress of the Revision of Hospital Infection Control Manual and the AMR project of the College. He also informed that there was a new Fleming Fund project being advertised but the SLCM would not be applying for it as the magnitude of the project was beyond the scope of the College.

He announced that the Annual Scientific Sessions 2019 will be held on 13th, 14th and 15th August 2019 at Hotel Ramada.

The membership agreed to have an annual one-day trip for the families as a new activity.

It was also decided to implement more activities such as an Antibiotic Awareness Walk and the use of social media and already developed education material to disseminate antimicrobial stewardship among health care workers and the general public.

Posted in 2019